COVID-19 has put you and those you care about into a situation you've never experienced before. Isolating our families to stay safe can prompt kids to act out and tempers to flare. We are just not used to confined quarters for long periods. The CMYK Kids program at CMYK Church teaches social and emotional skills to help kids and parents get through emotional upset and conflict. Dr Jenny Barkac, our Kids Director has decades of experience with this and spends her workdays traveling across the US teaching these skills to parents and teachers. These skills will help you now and we want to share them with you.
Click the button below for our Emergency Toolkit for Families
The season of CMYK is over, so our kids program is no longer running. But we still believe in the principles and skills we taught. In the same way we took a unique approach to church, we took a unique approach to kid care. We want our kids to be happy, healthy, whole human beings. This is what good spiritual health should do.
We taught kids skills to help them grow to be resilient, responsible and connected beings in a stressful and challenging world.
We taught parents skills to help them model and reinforce what we are teaching their children. Strengthening a parent's skill set in responding to the stresses of child-rearing helps them in helping their children.
Our Kids Director was Dr Jenny Barkac. As an educational consultant with 25 years of classroom experience and expertise as a Behavior Interventionist, Jenny designed our lessons to work with the whole child while helping them to develop internal strategies for managing emotions in a safe way. She based our kids activities on Conscious Discipline concepts that are in place in schools across the USA. If you are looking for parenting help, we highly recommend the Conscious Discipline approach. We believe their concepts teach adults and children about being Present, Honest, Open and Love(d).
Go Further On Your Parenting Journey
We encourage parents and - well anyone, really - to work through the book Managing Emotional Mayhem by Dr. Becky Bailey.
Children learn from what we do, rather than what we say. This easy-reading book helps us learn how important our emotions are and how to respond to them in a healthy and safe way. Once we learn these skills as an adult, we can help our kids learn them.
If you want to go deeper, we also recommend Dr Bailey’s book Easy To Love, Difficult To Discipline. Click here for the Cliff Notes version of the book.
For more tips and advice from our CMYK Kid’s Director, click on the ‘PARENTING IS HARD’ button below for our CMYK Kids Blog and lots of recommendations and advice from Dr Jenny.