Make Time for Meaningful Connection With Your Child
Finding it hard to make time for meaningful connection with your children each day? Don’t worry, you are not alone. The fast pace of life has created challenges for families in creating meaningful face-to-face connection time. Plus, technology has replaced some of the opportunities we do have. Making time for face-to-face connection each day is vital. Brains grow best when they are face-to-face, mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart with caring others, according to Dr Becky Bailey in her book, Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms (2015). These connecting times wire the brain for impulse control and willingness. These connection activities need to have four elements: eye contact, touch, being present in the moment and being set in a playful situation.
Planning for these moments will help parents ensure they happen. They can also be planned strategically for difficult transition times during the day, giving you and your child a moment of togetherness before the transition. Some times that may be difficult are before going to day care or school, before naptime, after picking your child up from school or day care and before bed. These are ideal times to connect using playful rituals. These take only a minute or two but create cooperation and an opportunity to provide a sense of belonging and social trust. Some examples are listed below. You can use any words and movements as long as you include the four elements of connection listed above. For more information about connection and rituals go to