CMYK Kids - Connecting With Others


Recently, our CMYK Kids classes have focused on Connection.  

Human beings are built to be social. From our earliest beginnings, we lived in groups and relied on one another to survive. Healthy connections help us to grow and thrive and at the same time, build neural connections in our brains. 

Meaningful connection requires four critical elements: Eye Contact, Presence, Touch and Playfulness. If you haven’t gotten the parent’s handout on a Sunday, you can print your own copy here

Our elementary classroom has been building connections with each other by learning clapping games like ‘Double Double’. Parents – ask them to teach it to you! 

Our youngest class learned two new connection games that we call “I Love You” rituals. This version of ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ will bring joy and connection to your child if you sing it to them using the four critical elements of connection.  

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